
TPR The People Restored

What would you say if there was a way to immediately begin protect your rights and values?

As members we enter into a mutual private contract to adhere to certain values and behaviors found in our membership agreement. Essentially we are a people of integrity, morality, and faith who love the ideas and freedoms this nation was founded to protect and we wish to restore them. As a community we promote self-reliance, self-defense, personal health, physical gathering, and economic interdependence.


Becoming a member of the community doesn’t require radical changes to most of our members’ lives. Our members live by the values & standards in our Membership Agreement & build the key aspects of the community locally.


We seek to protect our community & way of life by every available legal means. We help each other when disasters affect us. We protect each other & our property from threats. We also engage in legal work to ensure the perpetuation & expansion of our community to preserve its way of life. We gather resources to protect & provide for our community.

PMC: Our membership provides us legal protections utilizing contract law backed by the U.S. Constitution, common law practices, & legal precedent. In addition to growing the community & marketplace, asserting the community’s rights through legal action is the primary focus of the community’s Executive Director.

TPR Foundation (501c3): The Foundation fights to protect the way of life enshrined in TPR’s membership agreement more aggressively & seeks to expand your rights to grow/eat the food of your choice, receive care according to your beliefs, run your business/org according to your values, raise your family according to your beliefs, protect yourself/others, & the preservation of your right to secure money/resources.


It is important to us that we know & trust our fellow members. We socialize, share meals, go out on activities, provide service, & generally interact in-person wherever possible. Our children play together. By engaging in social activities we build culture & trust. Our culture is the restoration of the human need for personal connection with others.

We stay connected with our community at large through our private social channels.


We vote with our dollars. We engage in commerce with high-trust businesses, service providers, & agricultural producers found in our community. By choosing to do business with our fellow members first, we generate prosperity in the community which will build opportunity, ensure access to resources, & enable us to become more self-reliant as a community.

In addition to local member-to-member commerce, we also support our business members through our Membership Marketplace.

Listen & Learn More


Listen to Phillip Taylor define:

What is a PMC With Q+A (15 min)

Value & Requirements for Membership (9 min)


Why Membership?

Our members work to ensure we can

  • Provide healthy & unadulterated food
  • Raise our children according to our values
  • Deal with like-minded companies
  • Use alternative currencies
  • Protect ourselves & each other from harm

“Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”

John Adams

US Founding Father

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